Security guard jobs protect people and property in a variety of settings. They monitor closed-circuit security feeds, patrol premises on foot or in a vehicle, and check credentials of those entering a site.

They collaborate with law enforcement officers in response to serious incidents. They also conduct safety checks and provide customer service.
Security officers work under the guidance of supervisors to patrol and monitor a specific area of the premises. They may be posted at checkpoints like doors, windows or gates and are expected to report any suspicious activity they observe. They are also required to follow the details of any security management plan and respond to alarms as well.
Because of their high visibility, security guards can act as a deterrent to potential wrongdoing or unruly behavior. Security guards with strong communication skills and decisive leadership can manage situations until first responders arrive.
A security officer’s detailed recollection of prior events can help police or fire departments in their investigations. They must be able to provide a clear account of what happened, which requires excellent writing skills.
Since security guards are often visible to the public, they must be able to balance customer service with their security duties and responsibilities. They should be friendly and helpful, allowing visitors to inquire about the building and offer directions as needed. Security guards may also be asked to perform safety checks, ensuring that all fire exits and emergency equipment are in working order.
As part of their job, a security guard must be able to remain alert at all times, especially during night shifts. If they’re not able to stay alert, they could miss an issue that puts the security of the premises or tenants in jeopardy.
A security guard can be found in a wide range of settings, including retail stores, hotels and hospitals. They are also found in government facilities, banks and financial institutions, universities, and other places where people need to feel safe and secure. Many people who work as security guards are unionized. Some are members of the United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 333, while others are in a Canadian Labour Congress-affiliated union. A unionized security guard has the added benefit of being able to take advantage of wage increases, healthcare and retirement benefits. In addition to wages and benefits, unionized security guards are also able to enjoy the protection of collective bargaining.
Security Agents
Security agents work in a variety of settings, from commercial and residential complexes to events and public spaces. They monitor and control access to their locations, respond to alarms and disturbances, and collaborate with law enforcement when necessary. They also conduct regular patrols and analyze surveillance footage to identify threats and security breaches. While they have limited legal powers, such as detaining suspects until law enforcement arrives, they still act as a visible deterrent to crime and can help keep buildings safe by preventing theft, vandalism, unauthorized entry, and other crimes.
Depending on the industry, they may be responsible for monitoring and controlling access to sensitive areas like data centers or manufacturing plants. They may also be stationed at building entrances to greet guests and visitors, which requires them to have strong interpersonal skills. If they are working in a hotel, they might double as receptionists and offer directions to guests. Security guards must be alert, honest, and observant so they can spot any suspicious activity. If a security incident occurs, they must be able to manage the situation while displaying decisive leadership until first responders arrive.
Because they often work in high-risk environments, security guards must be able to detect and interpret any unusual smells, sounds, or sights. They need to be able to quickly assess and react to these situations in order to protect themselves, their guests, or their employer’s property. Whether they are detecting a fire, an explosion, or someone trying to break into a restricted area, their knowledge and training allows them to take quick action to prevent any harm from occurring.
Another major responsibility of security guards is to educate their employers on how to avoid common security incidents, such as allowing guests to enter the building without signing in or checking IDs, which can lead to a breach of security protocol. If they notice these issues, they must be able to communicate with employees and management so the problem can be addressed immediately before it escalates into a larger threat or emergency.
Many security guards are former or current members of the military or law enforcement and have valuable experience in resolving conflicts, so their employers hire them to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to preventing and managing security risks. This enables them to stop crises before they occur, while police only get involved as the result of an incident.
Security Supervisors
Security supervisors manage day-to-day activities and are ultimately in charge of a team of security guards. They hire and evaluate security staff, conduct training sessions, and provide security audits to improve protocols and procedures. Security supervisors also work with the management team to develop strategies and solutions to prevent threats from occurring on a site. They monitor security systems, perform regular walkthroughs of facilities and grounds, and are on hand to respond to alarms and alerts.
They are also responsible for locating potential threats and resolving issues that may occur, whether they involve customers, tenants, or students. They are also required to have a higher level of knowledge about more advanced technology like CCTV and access control systems, but they also must be familiar with all the basics. This includes the ability to operate these systems, as well as troubleshoot any problems that arise.
In addition, supervisors must also have good written and verbal communication skills because they often serve as liaisons between management and employees. They are also the person that other guards report to when they have questions or concerns, and they are also in charge of coordinating security operations with law enforcement.
Another responsibility that security supervisors have is ensuring that all security personnel follow safety protocols, and this includes leading and conducting regular safety drills and inspections. Security supervisors are also in charge of creating and managing security staff schedules, as well as monitoring all the equipment that is part of a building’s security system to ensure that it is functioning correctly.
Typically, a security supervisor has worked their way up through the ranks, starting out as a security guard or a police officer and becoming a security supervisor with time, experience and hard work. They use their skills and expertise to lead a group of security guards and help them develop in their careers. In the role, they must be able to motivate their guards and be ready to respond quickly in emergencies or situations of high priority. Lastly, they must be able to communicate clearly with the management team about their security needs and concerns.
Security Guards
Security guards are often the first on scene in a crisis, so it is important for them to be well trained and alert. They should be able to notice and report any suspicious activity on site to their superiors or the authorities. They may also be responsible for escorting visitors and employees through the building to ensure safety. Additionally, security guards should be able to communicate clearly and efficiently in case an emergency occurs on the site.
The best way to ensure this is for them to be highly vigilant and able to use their senses, including sight, hearing, and smell. For instance, they should be able to detect when there is an unusual smell, like a chemical leak or something burning. This could indicate that there is a fire or other dangerous situation on the premises.
They should be able to follow company protocols and act as the liaison between security officers, police, or other authorities. This is to make sure that everyone involved understands the scope of the situation and what needs to be done.
Lastly, security guards should be able to help people who are lost or confused, whether they are guests or staff members. This might seem like a small thing, but it can be vitally important in ensuring the safety of the building and those within.
To apply for a security guard license in New York, an individual must pass the NYS Basic Security Guard Course, a background check, and an oral interview. In addition, they must complete a firearm training course and pass a written exam.
Security Guards are a vital part of any business, as they provide a visual deterrent and can prevent criminal behavior. They should be able to communicate effectively, be alert, and have the ability to move quickly in case of an emergency. If you are interested in becoming a Security Guard, start by checking the online registry for your state. Registries are updated periodically, so be sure to check back frequently. If you cannot find the information you need, contact your security guard training school to verify that they submitted course completion information to the state.